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Velma Sands
Nascido emBahamas
59 years
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Árvore Genealógica
Livro memorial
Your Mona

It was a school morning when I worked a 8am shift. I called you to say"good morning" but did not get an answer so I called back an hour still no answer. I waited until after 3pm then I called back Shanny answered the phone I asked where were you? She told you weren't home so I ask her where you went and thats when I knew you went out fishing. I told shanny I will call back. I called back at 4pm no mommy, 5pm still no mommy then at 6pm still no mommy at that point I ask shanny who you went out in the boat with? When she told me Jackie and not to mention your life jacket was hanging up in your closet like a coat. I almost die that's when the room started closing in on me I had a nervous breakdown, My heart start beating fast, my head was swinging, I started trembling and my belly break down I really was scared that I have lost my Ma. I called Willy and Duckie and told them the news we immediately tried to get a charter out in the meantime I was keeping in contact with Shanny and CJ they kept me updated on the status of the man search that was in place. That was the scariest thing I have ever encountered, so I thought. When Shanny told me that you were found and you came on the phone asking me if I put your things on the boat? That's when I knew you was OK and it was OK for me to calm down but at the same time be angry with you for scaring us like that. That day I would never forget how I felt about loosing my Mother and I really thought that would have been the only scary thing at least for a long time. But I was wrong, today I'm facing that reality and everyday after because I have lost my Dear Mother but you still live on in my heart and I will hold you dear until the day I die. Sleep on Mommy you are gone from this world but you are here with me in spirit and everyday I feel your present in my thought and my heart. I love you My Velma. Until we meet again. Your Mona. 

Your one daughter Mona
November 15th at 12 mid-night my phone would ring and on the other end I would hear this sweet and loving voice wishing me "Happy Birthday". And that voice was always you Mommy. I haven't got that special phone call for two birthdays now and because of that my birthday has never felt the same. I miss that call so...... much and I just wish I can turn back the hands of time so I can always get that call and to hear you say "mona don't you go on my account for $ 50.00 cause I don't have no money." I thought it would of gotten easier as the time pass but it just kept getting harder and harder. I'm glad for all my birthday calls in the pass and I truly believe that I'm still getting my birthday calls not by phone but by the love and memories. To my Mommy on my birthday, thank you for my birthday calls and I will always treasure you in my heart. I LOVE YOU MOMMY AND I MISS YOU SO MUCH. 
Your One Daughter
On this day in 2008. I woke up at 5:30am took a shower, brush my teeth and proceeded to get ready for work. At 6:00am your room door opened and I saw you head to the bathroom. At 6:03am you came into my room in your green and white alligator jammies and crawled in the back of my bed. We talked for a while and then you smiled, I asked you what you were smiling about but you never answered me so I continued to get dress. When I looked back at 6:45am to tell you I was leaving, you’re had already start to nod back to sleep so I call out to you and said I’m leaving for work and I’m going to forfeit my lunch and get off at 3:00pm so we can have the rest of the day to hang and catch up on the latest. You replied OK. I arrived to work at 7:15am, gone into the cafeteria for breakfast and by 7:40am I was in the office preparing to start my shift at 8am. My staff Clifford arrived at 7:55am, I briefed him and I began the shift. Around 9:00am you ran across my mind so I called. C.J. answered the phone, I asked him what he was doing home. He replied, “I came home to see Mom”. I told him to let me speak to you. You came to the phone and I asked you what you were doing, you said you were watching the Olympics. I then asked you to call the Tile man and ask when he will be coming to tile the house you replied OK. At 9:10am my phone rang I said to you I’ll call you back and we hung up. Then at 9:20am my phone rang again, I answered and there was a person screaming on the other line. I couldn’t understand what the person was saying so I said hello twice until I heard the person said “Mommy”. Right then realized the person was Shanny so I told her to calm down and tell me what happen. That’s when I heard those two words. “MOM DEAD”. At that moment I collapsed and cried out NO……
At 9:30am Gevon helped me outside to wait on security to take me home. While on the way I remember saying to Ms. “C” who accompanied me “Mommy isn’t dead she just had an accident and the children panic, I just talk to her this morning and she was fine.” It felt like forever getting there. At 10:15am I arrived home to see all my neighbors and the paramedics congregating in the yard and through the house. I rush inside, went straight into my room. And there you were in my bed in your green and white alligator jammies just where I left you this morning. I went over to you with tears in my eyes and looked into your face and right then I knew you had left me. But the paramedics kept saying she isn’t gone yet and so I said to you “Mommy you are a fighter, you have to fight this.” But deep down I knew you had lost this battle.
They rolled you into the ambulance and we took off to the hospital. On the way I kept saying “Lord if you have to take her, take her, but please give me one more day to say goodbye.” At 11:00am we arrived at the accident and emergency. The Nurses and Doctors took over and ask us to wait in the family room. By 11:30am the family were all there waiting. At 12:00pm the Doctor came into the room and said to us “we tried to revive your Mother but there was no response. At that moment my whole world crumbled from underneath me. I asked to see you, she took us in this room and there you were lying on the bed with a sheet half way on you. I came over and I rubbed you from head to toe then I laid my head on your stomach and fell asleep for a moment for how soft you were. When I woke up I thought it was all a dream until I heard the cries around me and that’s when I knew it was all so REAL.
This day I will never forget as long as I live. I’ve lost “My Mommy, My Precious Mommy”. Your plans were to come to Nassau and spent two weeks, but God had other plans. He brought you to say “GOODBYE”  allowed me to tell you “I LOVE YOU” and for you to get my phone call that you got so accustom to for the last time.
No more rubbing your skin, sleeping with you and when you snore I poke you to tell you stop snoring then you would tell me to get out your room, calling you everyday sometimes three times a day, going Miami shopping, our yearly vacation, your down home cooking, asking you where you’ve been, sucking my teeth when it’s time to do boat deliveries, getting your call on my birthday, asking you for my birthday $50.00 and to hear you say you don’t have it, denying when you ask me if I been on your account, playing sleep when you ask me to go with you on your runs when I just got off at 1am, crying when you were lost at sea and mad with you when you were found and was OK, scared when we thought you  were having a heart attack in Miami, calling you for advise and to hear your comforting words, when reaching home from the club around 4am waking you up to tell you what happen, having our night time coffee in Andros, accusing each other of stealing one another stuff, calling by Renee from work asking you what you doing there and accusing Nee of being a Mommy thief, kicking my friends to the curb whenever you’re in town, fighting for the passenger seat cause neither of us wants to drive, getting mad with each other on the phone and before hanging up we say “I love you”, telling me to stop calling before you call Sol Kerzner for me, pimping on Ducky and Willie, Telling you everybody business, calling to say “HOT GOSSIP”, getting mad when you pick me up late from work,  you pimping on Shanny and C.J. and to find out later you were a part of it, allowing people to get over you and calling me to be the bully, eating all your shop candies, going with you on your lunch run and I can go on and on and on because we’ve shared so much things and that’s what makes this journey so hard. But I thank God, for allowing us to share these things and more. And for bringing you home to say “GOODBYE”.
May you sleep on until that day we shall meet again to share forever.
Your One and Only Daughter, Pest, Cross and Bully
Her only Daughter Mona

One day a Mother died and on that clear, cold morning in the warmth of her bedroom the daughter was struck with the pain of learning that sometimes there isn't anymore.

                   No more hugs,

No more moments to celebrate together,

No more phone calls just to chat,

No more "just a minute"


Most of all the other beautiful things in life, come by twos and threes, by dozens and hundreds;

Plenty of







Aunts and cousins

But only one Mother in the whole world.


Until we meet again to have those moments together, to hug, to celebrate and to chat. I will always love you Mommy.



Her Partner in Crime C.J.

After being by my Daddy for three weeks I caught the bus for the first time in my life. I had to ask my Aunty Dawn what bus route number I had to catch to get home. I reach home about 8:00am and you answered the door. You asked me what I was doing there and I said I came home to see you. So I hugged you and followed you into the yard. I was telling you about my new job and we came inside. You went into the bathroom and I followed you there also continuing to tell you about my job. You asked me if I liked it  and I told you yes and I hugged you  for the last time. We went into Mommy 's room and watched the Olympics. After mommy called I went into the other room to Shanny. And that was the last time I had to tell you about my day. For 14yrs we did alot of stuff together like craft work , fishing even though I never liked it but I enjoyed it with you, Farming and trying to kill Shanny's cats. I will always love, remember and treasure you for the rest of my life MOM.



Total Memórias: 14
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