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Velma Sands
Nacido enBahamas
59 years
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Libro Conmemorativo
12/29/08 Birthday Tribute to Mommy

Velma Sands is a woman known to many, and had many different roles in her life. She is sister, daughter, care giver, grandmother, Cousin, friend, adopted mother, aunt and for me, I had the blessing of being able to call her ‘Mom’. She raised three children into adulthood, single handedly, and she did it well. Her love was boundless and her energy unmatched. She was a source of inspiration to more people than she will ever know. The three of us siblings have all received our education and are independent and self-supporting; our mother expected nothing less, and we did our best to make her proud. Mommy encouraged and supported us in every sense of the word. Therefore we are able to take our place in the world, be independent, and it is a source of accomplishment for mommy that we, in spite of all our family have endured, we are successful people. Mommy worked hard, led a good life, and was a strong woman, with the ability to handle the upsets and problems that life presents to us. She were raising her family, sharing the load, loving each and every one of us, and life was good. Mom had to be the tower of strength for us all in the past weeks, months and years. She did it, and she did it well. She was, and still is, a tribute to womanhood and to motherhood. Our Mother was a rock, and an anchor in our storm. She moved to Andros in 1997 where she lived life to the fullest got in problems, but she lived life. She made a difference in Andros and left a void that can never be filled. Mom you come in and out of our lives and leave footprints and memories engraved on our hearts forever. Her courage in the face of adversity, and her inner strength was truly a blessing to us all.

She is a shining gem to each of us. She cast a gift into our hearts that would be as giving as a gift from the angels. We appreciate the love she have shown to each of us, Her devotion and determination to keep our family together, and last but not least, the way she have cared for us all those years. She was indeed a true ‘woman of heart’, a woman with great faith, and a wonderful role model to many. We love you Mom, more than you know, and we will continue to love you, forever-- plus one day!


Friends and Family today is a special day. Today marks the day when Velma Cora Sands was given to The Late Edna Louise Rolle and Fred Emmanuel Miller from God. This day Mommy shared with her children, grandchildren, sisters, brothers, cousins, nieces, nephews, adopted children and friends. And we the family would love to continue this tradition. And so today we are here to pay that tribute to this “Great Woman.” The late Velma Cora Sands.






The last time we talked you was cheering me up. It was Desmond's funeral, you said he would'nt want to see me sad then we laughed and that was a real eye opener for me. If I had known that you were going to leave so soon I would have held you so tight it might have been the end of us both . You always told me you did'nt want to be a burden on your kids. What you did'nt realize I was one of your kids too. But I still had to keep the secret . When mommy could'nt do any better you stepped in with no problem and I will always love & miss you.                                                                                                                                         your loving baby sista Kathy.



Natalia Bianca Adderley

Grammy Velma;
You Helped Me When You Could
Though I wasnt There For You
I love You So Much
Dont Know Why You Had To Go
Going To Miss You
Forever And Always
We Just Know You Looking Down On Us
Hope You Never Hurt Again
Love You Forever Always
From Your Kids
To There Kids
Your Brothers And Sisters
We Love You
Forever And Always
And May You
Rest In Peace

Your one Daughter Mona

Mommy, on Saturday, August 9th, I called you just to have our regular Mother and Daughter phone talk when you told me you were coming on Sunday, August 10th, on the boat and you were bringing your bus, I asked you why? The only excuse you could have come up with was you didn't want to be bothered in picking me up from work at night. I said to you, that was the dumbest excuse you have ever come up with. But any how, as long as you came it really didn't matter what you brought.

You arrived at 5p.m. on Sunday, August 10th, and sure enough you brought your bus. All I did was shake my head and say, " you really is something else." That night I gave you a gift I had bought for you from two weeks ago, you asked me what it was for? I answered "Just to say thank you and that I loved you." Little that I knew it would have been the last time I would have had to appreciate you.

You were my strength, my advisor, my comforter, my foundation, my provider, my sister and my best friend. With you "Mommy" I could have conquered the world. My heart is broken but yet it celebrates, for the thirty-two years (32) sweet good years God had loan you to me, I celebrates for the seventeen (17) sweet good years he had loan you to my daughter and fourteen (14) sweet good years he had loan you to my son. Most of all that he had allowed us to be old enough for when you would have left us, we would have had good memories to remember you for the rest of our lives. And I thank God for that.

I now can cry with joy in my heart for I have given you your flowers while you were alive and now I can grieve in peace for I know you're now with Grandma, Aunty Norma and Olga, Uncle Kinki and Desmond. Sleep on " Mum" for I've said my good-byes on the night of August 10th and now I can truly say, "All is well."

"To my Mother, Sister and Best friend you will be in my heart forever."

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